I have a mobile game: RPG Module, https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wyspianStudios.rpgModule
Setup that is being described
Please treat this text as notes, or a thought process, not an article.
This post is a wishlist what I want to be able to do in the game. So here there are listed actions, statistics and items. Very raw design.
In previous post I have written down how I have prepared to design this one, but let’s recap.
I want to design a game. This post is to help me gather thoughts in this complex process. I hope that writing about it will help me be more conscious...
Unity projects file structure YYYY[.MM optional] <venue it was created at> - <name of the project> docs/ subdirectory with images and other webpage related stuff README.md title (or “Noname”), a...
Or setting up Continuous Delivery for Unity game with rust native plugin.