kblb tech

We write about tech related topics, varying from programming, game dev to 3d modelling

Krzysztof Bobnis on May 4, 2020

Recreating RPG Module page

I have a mobile game: RPG Module, https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wyspianStudios.rpgModule

Krzysztof Bobnis on Apr 12, 2020

Designing a new game - Thoughts so far

Please treat this text as notes, or a thought process, not an article.

Krzysztof Bobnis on Apr 7, 2020

Designing a new game - Refining the idea

This post is a wishlist what I want to be able to do in the game. So here there are listed actions, statistics and items. Very raw design.

Krzysztof Bobnis on Mar 31, 2020

Designing a new game - The Idea

In previous post I have written down how I have prepared to design this one, but let’s recap.

Krzysztof Bobnis on Mar 29, 2020

Designing a new game - Preparations

I want to design a game. This post is to help me gather thoughts in this complex process. I hope that writing about it will help me be more conscious...

Krzysztof Bobnis on Mar 26, 2020

Best way to keep unity file structure organized

Unity projects file structure YYYY[.MM optional] <venue it was created at> - <name of the project> docs/ subdirectory with images and other webpage related stuff README.md title (or “Noname”), a...

Łukasz Biel on Mar 22, 2020

The marriage of Rust and Unity

Or setting up Continuous Delivery for Unity game with rust native plugin.

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